Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Latin Madness! Introibo ad altare Dei

After the wait, it is now tome to go to Sto. Domingo. Adrenaline rush, the feels! I arrive quite early and met an Fb friend so I hang out with him. We sat the the front pew to have a better look of the Mass then prayed for the Holy Father's intention (for the indulgence hehe). The TLM attracted large crowds! Dominican friars in their immaculate habits, the ladies in their flowing veils, several people kneeling while praying the rosary and of course, the youth! Well, in my observation, they composed a large chunk of TLM attendees. Perhaps they are into the "sense of the sacred". Whatever their reason is, I hope they appreciated the patrimony of the Church.

The side altar of La Naval de Manila

The Mass was offered by the First Secretary to the Papal Nuncio, Right Rev. Msgr. Seamus Horgan, P.A. He arrived in his white cassock carrying a suitcase and knelt in front of the tabernacle to pray. well let me say that holiness and simplicity truly radiates from him. I was honored to have a talk with him several times (which needs a separate entry hehe) and I can testify he is such a simple yet pious servant of the Lord. He went to the sacristy and afterwards, bell began ringing
 Msgr. Horgan (photo from Custos Pro Mitra Fb page)

The choir for that Mass was the Tiples de Sto. Domingo, the oldest boys choir in Manila (am not sure if also in the whole archipelago). They sang Handel's Canticorum Iubilo. Meanwhile the servers looking smart in their surplice and black cassock slowly inched their way to the altar, Msgr. Horgan on the other hand, is vested sans cope. After reaching the altar, he intoned the Asperges Me and started the sprinkling rite.

During the entrance procession (photo from Custos Pro Mitra Fb page)

After the asperges rites, he vested in wonderful rose vestments (its Laetare Sunday remember?) Mass followed immediately. I will give a general observation of the Mass a s a whole, can't remember details quite well. So its a Missa Cantata (a Mass that is mostly sung). The Tiples rendered a wonderful performance for the Missa VIII (de Angelis, the most famous tune) and of the propers of the Mass.

How am I doing? The situation improved quite well since I have several friends assisting me where to find the parts I am having a hard time to find. the music also soothes the soul, really. Honestly, I prefer Sung Mass even in the Ordinary Form. I can feel the reverence and God's majesty through the songs and incense being utilized. As St. Augustine puts it, "Singing well is twice praying".

The Mass went well, and oh, there is an Augustinian deacon attending in choro (he is not serving per se but there to help in distributing communion), Rev. Norlito Concepcion, O.S.A. He is now an ordained priest and also offers TLM sometimes :)

Deacon (back then) Concepcion distributing communion 
(photo from Custos Pro Mitra Fb page)

Ok now for the real stuff, its time to go to the altar rail. I knelt there feeling nervous. After years, I will receive the Christ once more! Such a happy reunion and what a bonus it happened in front of Mother Mary AND at a church dedicated to Holy Father Dominic! That tremendous joy filling my heart as i walk back to the pew, indescribable! Just imagine that scene while the choir is singing Panis Angelicus, heavenly isn't it?

The Mass ended and we all sang Salve Regina to honor the Queen of the Holy Rosary. The experience is quite well compared last time. Yes, there are still flaws and several "surprise" moments but that is really how it goes. My friends told me it will go better as I attend more TLM. of course, its just the start.

I am very grateful that God gave this wonderful opportunity not just for me but for everyone else longing for the TLM. It marks the start of my wonderful journey having a closer relation to God, deeper devotion to Mother mary and the Saints and meeting wonderful and interesting people. Such a great wonder it is!

The Faithful lining up for communion (photo from Custos Pro Mitra Fb page)

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