While searching the newest craze on the internet known to me back then, I came across a poster for a Latin mass scheduled during the October festivities at Sto. Domingo Church (you know, that building where the La Naval aka Gran Senora de las Islas Filipinas resides and the mother house of the Dominican Order in the country) but in the evening! Happy to learn that *some* Dominicans are open to the TLM, yes. Same feelings with the schedule? NO! Long story short, I dismissed the idea going to that Mass. Luckily a certain group known as SEDSI (here is their Fb page https://www.facebook.com/edssj.uvphils?fref=ts) together with some Dominican Fathers organized a monthly TLM (every second Sunday of the month unless a change of schedule is announced) at the side altar of the La Naval starting March 2012 @ 1:30 pm! Hey, that is the perfect time for me. Just imagine how my heart jumped around my chest with the arteries and veins going gaga how to control the rapid gush of blood from my excitement. Ok, after calming down I decided to give it a shot but this time let me partake of the Sacred Species. By the way, the first TLM at Sto. Domingo fell on March 18, the fouth Sunday of Lent or more known as Laetare Sunday (Laetare meaning "be joyful" taken from the incipit of the Introit) and oh Sto. Domingo is a designated Pilgrim Church for the Year of Faith so I also got the chance to obtain some indulgences :)
The introit incipit
Yeah, I told you so ;)
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